The Potter and the Pot

From “reflections of a pilgrim”- my other blog – WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2008

This is something that I wrote a few years back .

One day a potter decides to makes a pot. He finds some clay and goes to his hut and starts to knead the clay. He then places the clay on the potter’s wheel. After molding the clay into the shape of the pot , he places the soft clay pot in the furnace to harden it. The pot starts to cry in pain.

The pot cries out – “Why ? Why me ? It hurts and burns. Why is this suffering brought upon me ?”.

The potter watches in silence and carries on molding the pot.

“Why this silence…” the pot starts wondering. Then it starts to cry out again. “Don’t you realize what I am going through ? Hey ! What are you trying to do ? Don’t you understand that I am going through such pain” the pot asks.

The potter watches in silence and carries on molding the pot.

The pot starts to wail more and asks ” Do you exist ? What is this ? I do not comprehend what is happening to me. Oh is this my Karma – my fate ? What have I done to deserve this treatment ?”.

The potter watches in silence and carries on molding the pot.

A spark of joy touches the pot. The pot sees the hands of the potter removing the pot from the fire. The pot feels a surge of relief. “Oh something nice is happening to me, I am free and I can take a rest ” . The pot starts to wonder whether it is being prepared for something.

The potter watches in silence and carries on molding the pot.

The potter seeing that the pot is not ready yet sends the pot to the furnace again. The pot starts weeping piteously. “Oh the pain and torture I am going through. Why me….. what have I done to deserve this fate ? Thoughts run crazily and the pot is absolutely devastated by it’s predicament.

Then the potter removes the pot for a while and the pot starts to feel the cool air. It’s spirit is raised and it starts to feel a little clarity dawn upon itself. It says to itself ” I understand that I am being prepared for something – but I wonder what….. ? “

The potter watches in silence and carries on molding the pot.

The potter removes the pot from the fire finally. The pot is overwhelmed with joy. The potter cleans the clay pot and leaves it aside. Then the potter takes the pot and fills it with pure cool water from the spring. He places the pot in the middle of a beautiful garden.

People from far and near come to see this beautiful pot and rush to drink the cool and sweet water from the little clay pot.

The water of Love,
The water of understanding,
The water of patience,
The water of Joy,
The water of sharing .
The water of giving.

The potter watches in silence…….

The pot with eyes filled with tears looks at the potter,

Thank you dear potter – the pot speaks in silence.
Now I am filled – filled with the joy of understanding !

The potter watches in silence , with a smile on his lips.


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